The Consumer’s Guide to CGRP Medications for Chronic Migraine

What you need to know about the only treatment option specifically developed for treating and preventing chronic migraine.

S ince 2018, when the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the first calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) antagonist for migraine disease, this class of drugs has revolutionized the prevention and treatment of both episodic and chronic migraine attacks.

The development of CGRP antagonists has “been a really exciting development in the headache world,” says Anne Yacoub, MD, codirector of the Johns Hopkins Headache Center in Baltimore.

Peter Goadsby, MD, PhD, a professor of neurology at King’s College in London and professor emeritus at the University of California in Los Angeles, adds, “If migraine is affecting your life, that can be changed with these drugs.”

CGRP antagonists help prevent a migraine attack in one of two ways: by either blocking CGRP, a key peptide in the brain that’s involved in triggering pain and other symptoms, or blocking the receptor in the brain that CGRP binds to, explains Dr. Yacoub. In both cases, an attack can be effectively relieved or prevented altogether.

6 Essential Facts About CGRPs for Migraine

Is a CGRP Migraine Medication Right for You?

Though Goadsby says these medications generally work for anyone looking for a preventive drug, there are a few things to talk to your doctor about before starting one.

Of course, whether you try a CGRP medication ultimately will be based on conversations you and your doctor have about your personal situation.

6 Frequently Asked Questions About CGRP Migraine Medications

Next Steps: Making Migraine Treatment Decisions



Now that you’ve learned more about CGRPs, take some time to think about how much of an impact migraine has on your life and what you might want to discuss with your doctor.



Ask yourself these questions before your next appointment.

  1. How well do my current migraine medications seem to be working?
  2. How many migraine days am I still having?
  3. How often am I experiencing symptoms outside of pain — light or sound sensitivity, brain fog, fatigue?
  4. Have my symptoms improved or gotten worse since my last checkup?
  5. How often do I call out of work or cancel plans due to migraine?

Doctor Discussion


Keep these questions in mind to ask at your next checkup.

  1. Am I a candidate for CGRP medication?
  2. Are there any other treatments I need to try before starting a CGRP?
  3. Would any of the other medications I take interact with these drugs?
  4. Is there anything else I can do to help ease my migraine symptoms?