The Consumer’s Guide to JAK Inhibitors for Rheumatoid Arthritis

This newest class of FDA-approved RA drugs has been making headlines lately. Here’s everything you need to know.

I f you’re unhappy with your rheumatoid arthritis (RA) treatment plan, you may be wondering what’s next for you. The good news? Since the 1980s, advances in RA treatment have continued to improve the ability to control RA. The newest class of RA drugs, called Janus kinase inhibitors, or JAK inhibitors, is no exception.

The Evolution of Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment

The Evolution of Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) first approved JAK inhibitors in 2012. “JAK inhibitors are the newest to the scene but have proven benefit in terms of reducing pain, improving function, and preventing long-term joint damage,” says Brett Smith, DO, a rheumatologist at Blount Memorial Physicians Group in Maryville, Tennessee, and East Tennessee Children’s Hospital in Knoxville. But are they right for you?

Before you ask your doctor about JAK inhibitors, do your homework! It’s important to be an active participant in your care, and a big part of that is educating yourself and working with your doctor to make decisions about your treatment options. We’re here to help.


What are you looking to learn about JAK inhibitors?

How JAK Inhibitors Treat RA Compared with Other Drugs

RA is an autoimmune disease and, therefore, usually treated with disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs), which not only help alleviate RA symptoms but also modify the course of the disease.

Here’s what’s happening in your body when you have RA: A healthy immune system protects the body by attacking foreign invaders, such as bacteria and viruses, but with RA, the immune system mistakenly attacks the joints. Part of that immune response is to cause inflammation, which over time causes joint tissues to swell and thicken. Left untreated, RA can lead to permanent joint damage and deformity.

DMARDs can not only help reduce inflammation but also prevent long-term damage. JAK inhibitors are the newest type of DMARD. They work much differently than traditional DMARDs such as methotrexate, which suppress the entire immune system to reduce inflammation.

JAK inhibitors target a very specific pathway that is critical to how RA develops and progresses. When that pathway is blocked, immune cells aren’t able to signal their attack on the joints, inflammation doesn’t develop, and — if successful — you don’t experience the symptoms and damage caused by RA.

Before JAK inhibitors were first introduced, the most targeted type of RA medication was a class of drugs called biologics, which were deemed to be a very effective RA treatment. But JAK inhibitors work in an even more targeted way, and research is proving that they’re just as — if not more — effective as certain types of biologics.

7 Essential Facts About JAK Inhibitors for RA

Even though JAK inhibitors have been used to treat RA since 2012, this class of drugs experienced delays in FDA approvals in 2021 for treating other conditions, and as a result of a study on a specific JAK inhibitor, all of them then received a labeling update. Learning more about JAK inhibitors and what they bring to the table, plus getting the scoop behind the latest headlines, can help you feel more comfortable with them as an RA treatment option.

Is It Time to Try a JAK Inhibitor to Treat Your RA?

I f you’ve tried a variety of other RA meds and haven’t been able to successfully control your condition, you may be a good candidate for a JAK inhibitor. First-line treatment for RA tends to be methotrexate or one of the other traditional DMARDs, explains Bauer. If they don’t help, your doctor will recommend trying a biologic before moving on to JAK inhibitors.

That said, your doctor will tailor a treatment plan for you based on a lot of factors, including which medications you’ve already tried , as well as your disease severity, personal preferences, and insurance coverage. Whether or not you’re a good candidate for a JAK inhibitor will also depend on your medical history and other factors that affect your health risks.

Whether or not you’re a good candidate for a JAK inhibitor is a very individualized decision and will also include your medical history and other factors that affect your health risks.

“JAK inhibitors are another option for many patients,” adds Smith, “but it really is a discussion between the patient and their physician on the most appropriate option.”

Our Experts Answer Common Questions About JAK Inhibitors for RA

Three rheumatologists weigh in on the top questions their patients ask about treating RA with JAK inhibitors.

Can You Answer These Questions About JAK Inhibitors Correctly?

Quiz: How Much Have You Learned About JAK Inhibitors for RA?

Answer these questions to test your knowledge.

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Next Steps: Making RA Treatment Decisions



You’ve learned a lot about JAK inhibitors. So, what’s next?

Take some time to absorb all of this info and decide if JAK inhibitors are something you might want to consider.



Before your next appointment, think about how you feel about your current treatment plan and how well it’s controlling your RA.

  1. Are you satisfied with your current treatment?
  2. Has it improved your RA symptoms as well as you had hoped?
  3. Are you downplaying your RA symptoms — or its impact on your quality of life — to your doctor?
  4. How frequently do you have to cancel plans or adjust activities because of RA?
  5. Are you following your treatment plan exactly as prescribed?
  6. Have you tried other options to see if they help you manage RA?

Doctor Discussion


If after your self-reflection you feel it’s time to discuss a potential treatment change with your doctor, bring this list of questions to your next appointment.

  1. Do you think it’s possible for me to gain better control of my RA?
  2. Which medication(s) are you prescribing for me, and why?
  3. Am I a good candidate for JAK inhibitors?
  4. What types of results can I expect?
  5. How often should we monitor the progress of my treatment?

Do you plan on talking to your doctor about JAK inhibitors?